THE BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are my fool-proof, trusty, go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe. It’s super chewy and soft in the middle with a crisp edge. It has a nutty and fragrant flavor from the brown butter and decadent pockets of dark chocolate distributed throughout the cookie!

I’m not gonna lie, chocolate chip cookies were one of those things that took me forever to get right because they never looked as aesthetically pleasing as the ones I saw online. But, I have finally figured out how everyone gets that picture-perfect cookie so give my tips section a read for all the deets!

Yield: 7 Large Cookies


  • 110g Unsalted Butter
  • 100-120g Dark Chocolate
  • 160g Dark Brown Sugar
  • 50g Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Large Egg, room temp
  • Splash of Vanilla Extract
  • 180g Plain/AP Flour
  • 1/2tsp Baking Soda
  • 1tsp Salt
  • Flakey Salt


  1. Make brown butter: Place the butter into a saucepan and cook over medium heat until it becomes fragrant and the milk solids are visibly golden. While the butter is melting and bubbling away, make sure you give it an occasional stir so it browns evenly
  2. Pour the brown butter into a separate bowl and let it chill in the fridge for a few minutes to cool down to around room temp
  3. Chop up the dark chocolates into chunks. Pick out ~21 large chunks of chocolate and place them into a separate bowl for later. These are to be placed on top of the cookies 
  4. In a large bowl, combine brown sugar, granulated sugar, egg, vanilla, and room-temperature brown butter. Whisk aggressively until homogenous and the mixture goes slightly paler
  5. Add flour, baking soda, and salt. Fold it in with a spatula until fully incorporated
  6. Add the chopped chocolate and fold until evenly distributed
  7. Shape into 90-95g (mine were 93g) balls of dough. Press ~3 chunks of the chocolate chunks we picked out at the start into the center of each ball of cookie dough
  8. Pop them into the freezer or fridge and leave overnight (or for at least 2hrs if you must)
  9. Preheat oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with parchment 
  10. Pop the cold cookies onto the baking tray with space between each cookie and bake at 180°C for 15-20min (mine took 19min)
  11. Freshly out of the oven, hit them with a healthy sprinkle of flakey salt and let it cool for a few minutes before transferring it onto a cooling wrack 


  • These steps are optional, its only for those of you who want your cookies to look extra professional
  • At the 10-minute mark of your cookies being in the oven, they should have reached a point where the center is very underbaked but the edges are starting to crisp up. Everything should have mostly flattened and settled into a cookie-like shape. Between this stage and it being done, it is the best time to adjust its appearance
  1. Getting the perfect circle: At the 10-minute mark, you’ll be able to tell if the cookie is going to bake up into a perfect circle. Most cookies won’t, but that’s ok! Take two spoons or something large and round to help shape the cookie by pushing the edges towards the center of the cookie. If one side is lopsided, push it until it’s the perfect circle. Place it back into the oven to bake until it’s done and do the shaping one last time right when it’s done
  2. The perfect chocolatey look: At the 10-minute mark, you’ll be able to tell if any of the cookies have unevenly distributed pockets of chocolate. If some areas look a bit naked, press in a few more chocolate chunks, and then pop it back into the oven so it can melt into the cookie!
  3. Why won’t my salt stick: Make sure you hit the cookies with flakey salt while its still HOT. The steam will help adhere the salt to the cookie!
  4. It’s not chewy: Do not over bake the cookies, when they come out of the oven, the cookies should be very soft. If the whole cookie is crisp right out of the oven, the moisture has evaporated and there wont be any chewiness left 🙁
  5. One side is baking faster: Home ovens are rarely evenly heated so make sure to give it a rotate if your oven tends to heat one side faster! But if your oven is amazing, you do not need to do this.

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